Ready to learn more? There are plenty of additional resources to explore, both in ProtoSchool and beyond. Here are some of our favorites:
Merkle DAGs: Structuring Data for the Distributed WebtutorialProtoSchool
Learn about the benefits of Merkle DAGs, unique content-addressed data structures for the distributed web. (No coding required.)
Anatomy of a CIDtutorialProtoSchool
Dive deeper into how CIDs are constructed in IPFS, from multihash and multicodec prefixes to CID versions. (No coding required.)
Decentralized Web Primer: The Power of Content-Addressingarticle
A beginner-friendly primer on content addressing from Matt Zumwalt.
The Next Internet Revolutionvideo
In this excerpt from his TedX Talk, Juan Benet explains how the InterPlanetary File System (IPFS) uses content addressing to reframe our model for sharing knowledge.
Why is Decentralized and Distributed File Storage Critical for a Better Web?article
Juan Benet, Jesse Clayburgh, and Matt Zumwalt of Protocol Labs explain how advances in distributed data storage and strong alignment of market incentives are combining to create a more secure and efficient web.
Instructions for Saving Endangered Dataarticle
Matt Zumwalt of IPFS explains why data isn't safe on the centralized web and how IPFS can be used to protect it.
HTTP is Obsolete. It's Time for the Distributed, Permanent Web.article
Kyle Drake of Neocities explores the downsides of the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP).
Understanding How IPFS Deals with Filesvideo
This course from IPFS Camp 2019 offers a deep exploration of how IPFS deals with files, including key concepts like immutability, content addressing, hashing, the anatomy of CIDs, what the heck a Merkle DAG is, and how chunk size affects file imports.
IPFS: Mutable File System (MFS)tutorialProtoSchool
Explore the Mutable File System (MFS), which lets you work with files and directories in IPFS as if you were using a traditional name-based file system. (This tutorial includes JavaScript code challenges.)
P2P Data Links with Content AddressingtutorialProtoSchool
Use the IPFS DAG API to create create verifiable links between dataset with Content Identifiers (CIDs). (This tutorial includes JavaScript code challenges.)
The Lifecycle of Data in the DWebvideo
This course from IPFS Camp 2019 explores how users share files on IPFS, from providing to getting to pinning to deleting.
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